54ème CIMES - 54th IARC - 54. IWT

Concours international du Meilleur Enregistrement Sonore
International Amateur Recording Contest
Internationaler Wettbewerb der besten Tonaufnahme


Lugano, Schweiz/La Suisse/Switzerland

20 - 24 October/Octobre/Oktober, 2005

organised by

Schweizer Ton- und Videoamateure

Swiss Sound and Video Amateurs
Chasseurs de sons et de video Suisses


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Results - Palmares

Overall order (audio-video-multimedia)

by category - par catègorie


Reports - Berichten

Report of the Audio Representative

Bericht des FICS-Beauftragten für Audio

Uwe Mehlhaff gave a rundown of the latest audio developments with particular emphasis on two major shows in Germany. The report also lists useful publications and web sites. It contains a large number of images.

Deutsch - English.

You can also download the reports in PDF:

Deutsch (742 kbyte) - English (628 kbytes).

Get !PDF (RISC OS), APDF (Amiga), XPDF (X-Windows, Unix, Linux, OS/2) or
Adobe Acrobat Reader (other platforms).

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Photo Galleries

1. CIMES, Sound Archive

2. Boat Trip, Swiss Miniatur

3. FICS, Prizegiving

SRG SSR Idee Suisse


2004 | CIMES | 2006

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Last updated 16th November, 2006